Set Description : "Super Electric Breaker" is an electrifying expansion of the "Scarlet & Violet" series of the Pokemon card game. This set features Electric and Fighting-type Pokemon, introducing captivating game mechanics and innovative strategies. Trainers can expect to collect rare and ex cards, enabling powerful combinations and unique tactics during battles.
Description of Stunfisk : Stunfisk is an Electric-type Pokémon card, known for its ability to manipulate electrical energy. It is particularly useful for strategies based on Electric-type Pokémon, offering a significant advantage in terms of recovering powerful cards.
History of Stunfisk : Stunfisk is a Pokémon known for its ability to manipulate electrical energy. In the game, it is represented as a powerful ally for trainers, providing valuable resources to win battles.
Abilities of Stunfisk : Stunfisk allows trainers to maximize the efficiency of their Electric-type Pokémon by quickly retrieving and strategically using them during battles. Its special ability, "Supporter," allows playing only one Supporter card per turn, adding an extra layer of strategy to the game.